Laboratoire International Associé (LIA) Mediterrapolis. « Urban spaces, mobility, towns. Southern Europe-Mediterranean. 15th-21st century »


The Laboratoire International Associé MediterraPolis, "Espaces urbains, mobilités, citadinités. Europe méridionale-Méditerranée. XVe-XXIe siècle” (Urban spaces, mobility, city life. Southern Europe-Mediterranean. 15th to 21st century) is a laboratory “without walls” which on the French side, combines the research unit TELEMME (UMR 7303), with the support of the MMSH (USR 3125), and the École française de Rome; on the Italian side, two departments of the Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Dipartimento di Scienze sociali ed economiche e Dipartimento di Storia, culture, religioni), IRPPS (Istituto di ricerche sulla popolazione e le politiche sociali - CNR) and the CROMA (Centro per lo studio di Roma - Università di Roma Tre).

The scientific programme of MediterraPolis is centred on the cities of the Mediterranean area: cities "sédimenté" from the historical point of view, having a long tradition of multiculturalism and welcoming mobility, which are still today key places for international circulation, and in particular migratory flows. This combination of historical “sedimentation” and centrality in contemporary migration policies make it likely that the case studies of these cities will reveal the full potential of the interdisciplinary approach that the LIA wants to implement – associating history and science and adopting an interdisciplinary approach over the long term. 

The research programme has three research themes:

  1. Creation of territories
  2. Mobility, city life, politics
  3. Cultures, legacies, memories.


City, Mediterranean, Italy, Territories, Mobility, City life, Culture, Heritage, Memory

Key statistics

2017 is a "year 0" of the project. A coordination meeting and a general assembly were organized, two French researchers were able to stay with Italian partners and 4 symposia or study days were organized.  


Links for more information

Research notebook:

Events already organized

1. Symposium « Les hinterlands en Méditerranée. L’arrière-pays des villes de mer »

Dates: 9-10/2/2017

Location: Rome

Organizer: DiSSE (Luca Salmieri) - TELEMMe (Eleonora Canepari, Brigitte Marin)

Total number of participants: 23


2. Study day « Imaginer la ville contemporaine »

Dates: 3-4/5/2017

Location: Rome

Organizer: DSCR (Lidia Piccioni) - TELEMMe (Angelo Bertoni)

Total number of participants: 27


3. Study day « Muoversi in città. Pratiche, percorsi e contesti della mobilità intraurbana dal 1600 ad oggi »

Date: 14/6/2017

Location: Rome

Organizer: TELEMMe (Eleonora Canepari) - IRPPS (Massimiliano Crisci)

Total number of participants: 10


4. Colloquium « L’Italie pour bagage »

Dates: 15-17 / 6/2017

Location: Paris

Organizer: among the LIA laboratories: TELEMMe (Stéphane Mourlane, Céline Regnard) and École française de Rome (Fabrice Jesné)

Total number of participants: 34

Page translated from French, 2021/01/11


Laboratoire International Associé (LIA)
