THE JOURNALS "Les Mélanges"
The École française de Rome (EFR) publishes a journal, the Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, which since 1974 has been divided into three parts: Antiquité (MEFRA), Moyen Âge (MEFRM), and Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines (MEFRIM), each appearing twice a year.
MEFRA publishes articles on the history, culture and archaeology of the ancient world in the Mediterranean, in particular in Italy, North Africa and the Balkans, but also on the interactions between this area and the rest of the ancient world. It also publishes dossiers on specific subjects associated with the excavations and scientific programmes of the EFR and, more generally, studies that come under various disciplines (history, archaeology, archaeometry, epigraphy, philology, law, etc.), from prehistory to the end of antiquity.
From 1871 to 1988, the MEFRM constituted a common series with Temps Modernes and, since 1989, has been an independent series with two annual fascicles. It offers original scientific contributions in the fields of history, archaeology and the social sciences in Italy and the Mediterranean from the High Medieval Period to the Renaissance. Most of these fascicles contain a thematic dossier coordinated by a specialist. The articles, which often include the publication of hitherto unpublished sources and iconographic work, illustrate the different fields of contemporary medieval studies. They are published in French, Italian and English, with summaries in the author’s language and in English.
MEFRIM publishes articles on the modern and contemporary history of Italy and of the Mediterranean, and on its interactions with the Italian peninsula, and Franco-Italian relations and exchanges. Bearing in mind its Roman background, the journal devotes an important place to the history of Rome, of the Church and of the papacy, while covering all the subject areas. It is open to law and to the social sciences, and in particular to geography, sociology and the political sciences. It publishes thematic dossiers in association with the scientific programmes of the EFR and of the sources.
The Chronique des activités archéologiques de l’École française de Rome first appeared in1984, in volume 96-1 of MEFRA (Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Antiquités). In it is to be found a presentation of the previous year’s activities, including the preliminary results of the excavation campaigns undertaken by the EFR or by French teams in Italy, North Africa and the Balkans, colloquies and seminars, as well as a presentation of works published. As from 1986, it also contains a Chronique des activités archéologiques for the Middle Ages in the Mélanges de l’École française de Rome-Moyen Âge Temps Modernes (volume 98, 2). These two annual issues of the Chronique are progressively being limited to a report of the archaeological activities (excavations, surveys, study of material, preparation for publication). Since 2012, the Chronique des activités archéologiques of the EFR has emerged from MEFRA and MEFRM to become a new electronic journal (CEFR), in which those in charge of the activities with which the EFR is associated or of activities conducted by French teams in Italy, North Africa and the Balkans present the preliminary results of their archaeological research from prehistory to the end of the Middle Ages.
Editorial guidelines for the Mélanges online
Authors are asked to follow the editorial guidelines which may be downloaded in PDF format from the website of the publications: click here
Charte nationale de déontologie des métiers de la recherche
L’École française de Rome a adopté la Charte nationale de déontologie des métiers de la Recherche signée par la CPU et sept établissements de recherche (CNRS, INSERM, INRA, INRIA, IRD, CIRAD, Institut Curie) lors de la Commission Recherche du 29 juin 2015. Elle souhaite ainsi s’insérer dans une déclinaison nationale des principaux textes internationaux dans ce domaine.