Mélanges of the École française de Rome
The École française de Rome publishes a periodical, the Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, divided, since 1974, into three series: Antiquité (MEFRA), Moyen Âge (MEFRM), Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines (MEFRIM), with two issues each year.
The three series can be found online at journals.openedition.org, from 2010 (other than issues 122-1), at the following addresses:
In addition, all the volumes of Mélanges published between 1881 and 2009 are available online and free of charge on the Persée website, a portal for scientific journals in the human and social sciences and for the dissemination of heritage collections:
Chronique of the archaeological activities of the École française de Rome
The Chronique publishes the reports of École’s missions or those carried out by French teams in Italy, North Africa and the Balkans. The mission directors present the preliminary results of their archaeological research, from Prehistory to the end of the Middle Ages.
Previously published in the Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome, the Chronique has, since 2012, been published in its own digital format, updated throughout the year.
Works from the École française de Rome and the Centre Jean Bérard
The École française de Rome publishes the work of its members and the results of its scientific activities in history, archaeology and the social sciences. The works are mainly published in the traditional series: the Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome (BEFAR) created in 1876, and the Collection de l'École française de Rome created in 1964.
Collection of the École française de Rome
Created in 1964, the Suppléments aux Mélanges became, in 1972, the Collection de l’École française de Rome. This collection brings together works resulting from research programmes, publications from excavation sites and monographs. It covers a vast chronology ranging from prehistory to present times.
The first 200 titles of the Collection de l'École française de Rome are available online and free of charge on the Persée portal:
Works from the library of the Écoles françaises d'Athènes and Rome, from the Collection de l'École française de Rome
On OpenEdition Books, a selection of works from the Collection and BEFAR have been published in digital format since 2001:
The publications of the Centre Jean Bérard on OpenEdition Books
For more than fifty years, the publications of the Centre Jean Bérard have focused on scientific works on the archaeology of southern Italy. In its various collections, they offer essays, theses, excavation reports, conferences and seminar proceedings, and topographical bibliographies. The publications also have a collection of stories from French "Grand Tour" travellers, and studies about the painters from this period. 76 works published by the CJB are now available online.
Appendices and databases - online resources of EFR publications
On the École française de Rome website, online appendices and databases supplement the following publications:
- Les boutiques d’Ostie : l’économie urbaine au quotidien, Ier s. av. J.-C. - Ve ap. J.-C.
- Lier et délier la propriété : tutelle publique et administration des fidéicommis à Venise aux derniers siècles de la République
- Mégara Hyblaea 6. La nécropole méridionale de la cité archaïque. 1. Les données funéraires (notices des tombes et données biologiques)
- Jouer pour la cité : une histoire sociale et politique des musiciens professionnels de l’Occident romain
For furher information and to consult these publications
Archives on the portal HAL-SHS
See the publications of the scientific staffs of the École française de Rome and Centre Jean Bérard on the portal HAL-SHS.
EFR publications news on video
The EFR’s authors talk about their publications in video interviews recorded for the Rendez-vous de l'Histoire at Blois (2019):
- Giacomo Todeschini sur la restitution des biens mal acquis XIIe - XVe siècle
- Giulia Puma à propos des Nativités italiennes (1250-1450)
- Anna Bellavitis et Isabelle Chabot - Les femmes au rendez-vous de l’histoire
See also on Youtube and Canal-U
A day at Cumes
A documentary made at the site of Cumes (Cuma), a few kilometres west of Naples, in Campania, where the Centre Jean Bérard, team works – a research organization under the double administrative supervision of the École française de Rome and the CNRS and directed by Claude Pouzadoux.
Check out the new channel of the Réseau des Écoles françaises de Rome (ResEFE) on Canal-U
Directed by Jean-François Dars and Anne Papillault, based on interviews on the history of the École française de Rome, this documentary presents the memories of former members who stayed in Rome after the Second World War and up to 1970.
The film was presented for the launch of the association des Amis de l'EFR at the Collège de France on November 21, 2018.
Watch the film "Remembrances" on Youtube and on the EFR website
Research news
In the media
The press review illustrates the diversity of the École’s activities through articles on its events, publications, as well as interviews with its researchers, members or former members.
A selection of references on the École's website
The EFR hypothesis blog
Created in March 2020, the blog is now available with a first series of posts to read online. It is entitled “À l’École de toute l’Italie…” (At the School of all Italy) a double reference to the formula of Louis Duchesne, director from 1895 to 1922, and to the title of the work published in 2010, the first milestone in the history of the institution.
This blog is run by a team of writers, members and staff of the École. This will help publicize the running of the services, scientific activities, to share ideas and practices, to discuss the development of long-term projects. Scientific members will be able to share their experiences, discoveries and initiatives, in the form of short notes.
Blog dédié au patrimoine et à la restauration du palais Farnèse
École française de Rome, Ambassade de France en Italie et Institut français Italia
Depuis 2021, un vaste chantier de restauration a débuté au palais Farnèse. Dans la continuité des campagnes antérieures, l’Ambassade et l’École, qui l’occupent respectivement depuis 1874 et 1875, restaurent les façades et les toitures du palais, en partenariat avec la Surintendance spéciale pour l’archéologie, les beaux-arts et le paysage de Rome. Ces travaux s’achèveront en 2025 pour la célébration du cent cinquantième anniversaire de la présence française dans le palais.
Sur "Farnèse 150", les membres, les personnels, les artistes invités, les chercheurs et l’ensemble des acteurs engagés, architectes, artisans, restaurateurs, conservateurs, contribueront, tour à tour, à dévoiler l’envers du décor de ce chantier : farnese150.hypotheses.org
Portail des carnets numériques de l'EFR
L’École française de Rome a rassemblé une vingtaine de carnets numériques animés par ses personnels et des responsables des programmes de recherche qu’elle soutient dans un portail des carnets de l'EFR, sur la plateforme Hypotheses.org.
Ce site permet de rendre compte de la recherche en cours ; il présente l’actualité des programmes et leurs résultats, des manifestations scientifiques et des publications.
La page d’accueil de ce portail agrège l’ensemble des billets issus de cet ensemble de carnets de recherche et présente la liste des carnets liés à l’institution.
Rendez-vous sur : carnetsefr.hypotheses.org
Contact : carnet(at)efrome.it