CAMPANIA.Campania Felix. Cross studies for a multi-thematic and interactive atlas of medieval painting in the Benevento-Cassinian area (8th-13th century): wall decors, rock contexts, illuminated codices

  • Section: Middle Ages
  • Director: Simone Piazza, HDR lecturer, Paul Valéry University - Montpellier (CEMM EA 4583)
Sant'Angelo in Formis (Capua), decoration of the apse, detail of the Angel - Matthew (11th century)


This research aims to produce an atlas, in paper and electronic format, of medieval painting of the region between Rome and Naples, corresponding to the ancient Campania Felix. During the Early Middle Ages this vast territory was under the influence of the Lombard princes of Bénévent and the Benedictine abbots of Mont-Cassin, promoters, among others, of a very significant pictorial production in quantitative and qualitative terms, which still awaits an overall study. The project counts on the active participation not only of art historians, but also of historians, topographers, computer scientists and chemists. 


A series of thematic maps will help visualize: 

  • The geomorphological and anthropic characters of the territory.
  • The density of pictorial evidence and their geographic distribution.
  • The different nature of architectural contexts. 
  • The geography of the cult of saints. 
  • The control (secular and religious).
  • The comparison between political boundaries and those of artistic production.
  • External artistic contributions (Rome and Byzantium).
  • The production centres for mural painting and illumination.
  • The chronology of the different pictorial phases.
  • The possible routes of itinerant sites. 
  • Increasing the number of acquisitions of pictorial evidence of the beginning of the 20th century until today.
  • The state of conservation of the pictorial evidence.


Campania; Medieval painting; Illumination; Miniatures; Atlas; Pigment analysis; Benevento; 
Mont-Cassin; Lombards; Benedictines; Early Middle ages.

Calendar of events 2017

  • Field missions (documentation, photographic campaigns, pigment sampling)
  • Geolocation of monuments
  • Start of data entry

Page translated from French, 2021/01/11

Laboratoire International Associé (LIA)
