Remarkable collections
The library, whose history begins in 1873, preserves valuable collections and volumes, as well as ancient graphic documents and 19th century photo albums.
These riches, precious for researchers and evidence of the history of the École française, are progressively enhanced by ever more refined reporting, digitization campaigns, loans for exhibitions and scientific events.
The elements presented on this page are not exhaustive; the list is refined and enriched with the (re)discoveries in the library.
Volterra Library
The Edoardo Volterra (1904-1984) Library has been located, since 1989, on the third floor of the library, in two dedicated rooms.
A free access room, open to everybody, collects the current fund of the history of law, which is constantly growing and improved by research. See the list of call numbers of the Volterra Library.
A restricted access room preserves the collection of precious volumes collected by Edoardo Volterra, a passionate bibliophile.
A committee deals with the enhancement of the collection and the memory of Edoardo Volterra, historian of law.
You can find here the biography of Edoardo Volterra (in italian) written by Luigi Capogrossi.
Manuscripts and graphic documents
The manuscripts and graphic documents kept in the library are reported on the Calames platform of the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
The inventory of the collection can be consulted here.