IOL. Ignobilia oppida Lucanorum. Anonymous sites of the Lucanians - Insediamenti anonimi dei Lucani

  • Section: Antiquity
  • Directors: Olivier de Cazanove, professor, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Stéphane Bourdin, professor, University of Lyon 2


In the present-day region of Basilicata, which corresponds to a part of ancient Lucania, two fortified Italic sites, about a dozen kilometers apart, are being excavated in parallel. The fort of Serra del Cedro seems to be Archaic. In the 4th century BC a dense settlement formed over the graves of the previous phase, with crouched burials. In 2016 a vast house with a transversal vestibule (pastas) was discovered, that opened onto the outside by means of a threshold with a Doric column.

Civita di Tricarico, the largest of the known Ligurian agglomerations (47 ha), was the subject of a preliminary excavation programme by the École Française de Rome, from 1988 to 2005. Two volumes have already been published in the collection of the EFR, in 2008 and 2014. They relate to the "lower city", with its living quarters, its enclosure and craft activities. The investigation is now focused on the acropolis of the site. Occupation continues until the 1st century BC. An Etruscan-Italic temple on a podium covered a long pastas house not far from a canonical domus.

The Ignobilia Oppida Lucanorum programme also includes field and geophysical surveys, as well as an architectural study of the important sanctuary of the goddess Mefitis in Rossano di Vaglio, some twenty kilometers away. The aim of the programme "Ignobilia Oppida Lucanorum" is to understand the territorial organization of this district located in the heart of the Lucanian hinterland, with its network of fortified towns, places of worship and minor sites.

Key words

Italics, Lucania, Basilicata, shrines


  • École française de Rome
  • Superintendency of Basilicata
  • University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • ENS, department of history
  • University Lyon 2 and laboratoire HiSoMA, UMR 5189 


In 2017

7-26 August 2017: excavation on the sites of Serra del Cedro and Civita di Tricarico (Contact : O. de Cazanove cazanove(at) )

In 2018

6-25 August 2018: field campaign at Civita di Tricarico and Serra del Cedro

In 2019

Geophysical prospection at Civita di Tricarico

August 2019: field campaign at Serra del Cedro


Page translated from French, 2020/03/25 - Last update 2020/05/19

European and national Programmes (ERC, ANR)

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