Submitting a manuscript
Authors and curators are invited to consult the terms and conditions for accepting projects and to follow the recommendations for submitting manuscripts to the editorial committee or articles/dossiers to the Mélanges scientific committee.
Editorial guidelines
Authors and editors will find and are asked to follow ou editorial and bibliographical guidelines.
Archiving policy
For monographs which appear either in the "Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome (BEFAR)" or in the " Collection de l’École française de Rome (CEFR)", the publisher authorizes the deposit of the PDF exclusively on the HAL platform 12 months after publication.
For the articles of the Mélanges of the Ecole française de Rome (MEFR) and the contributions to the collective books of the "Collection de l’École française de Rome":
– The publisher authorizes the deposit of the publisher's PDF exclusively on the HAL platform from moment that the journal or collective work goes on sale to the EFR distributors and is published on the platform Open Edition Journals and Books.
– For collective works that do not have a dual format, the rule for monographs applies.
National charter of ethics for research professions
Charte nationale de déontologie des métiers de la Recherche signed by the CPU and seven research establishments (CNRS, INSERM, INRA, INRIA, IRD, CIRAD, Institut Curie) during the Research Commission of 29 June 2015. The École thus wishes to be joined to a national roll-out of the main international texts in this sector.