Scientific Council

The scientific council includes nineteen members. For 2023/2024, 2024/2025 and 2025/2026, the Chair is Mr Dario Mantovani and includes the following:

Seven ex-officio members:

  • the director of the École française de Rome, Ms Brigitte Marin;
  • two representatives of the State
    • a representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, the Director General of Research and Innovation, Ms Claire Giry (or his representative);
    • a representative of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs (Directorate for Globalization, Culture, Education and International Development), the Deputy Director of Higher Education and Research: Mr Laurent Toulouse (or her representative);
  • four members of the Institut de France appointed by the Chancellor of the Institute:
    • Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres:
       - the permanent secretary, Mr Nicolas Grimal, or his representative, Mr. Jean-Yves Tilliette;
       - two members of the academy: Ms Nicole Bériou and Ms Agnès Rouveret;
    • Académie des Sciences morales et politiques :
       - the permanent secretary, Mr Bernard Stirn, or his representative, Mr Georges-Henri Soutou;  

Eight members constituting those eligible to be president of the scientific council:

  • four scientific figures, French or foreign, chosen for their skills in the disciplines corresponding to the fields of the School, designated by the director:
    • Mr Jean-Pierre Guilhembet (Université Paris Cité);
    • Mr Michel Lauwers (Université de Côte d'Azur);
    • Ms Claude Pouzadoux (Université de Paris Nanterre);
    • Ms Camille Schmoll (École des hautes études en sciences sociales);
  • four representatives of partner institutions chosen by the director, at least one of whom mainly operates in the country where the School has its headquarters (the director chooses the institutions and obtains the opinion of the scientific council, the institutions then appoint their representative):
    • Mr Dario Mantovani (Collège de France);
    • Ms Emmanuelle Chapron Le Bianic (Aix-Marseille Université);
    • Ms Antonella Ghignoli (Sapienza Università);
    • Mr Vincent Gourdon (Centre national de la recherche scientifique).

Une personnalité qualifiée choisie en raison de ses compétences dans les domaines des bibliothèques, de l'information scientifique et technique, de la documentation ou de l'édition, désignée par la directrice :

  • Mme Raphaële Mouren (Head of Research Collections at the British School at Rome)

Three elected members:

  • a director of studies elected by his peers: Ms Laura Pettinaroli;
  • an elected representative of the research professors and their equivalents: Ms Cécile Martini;
  • an elected representative of scientific non-teaching research members: Mr Thibault Bechini.

Figures with an advisory role:

  • the Chairman of the Board of Directors: Ms Geneviève Bührer-Thierry;
  • the administrative manager of the EFR: Ms Pascale Garcia;
  • the director(s) of studies other than their representative (depending on the themes addressed): Ms Audrey Bertrand and Mr Vivien Prigent.

Invited personality:

  • the responsible of publications of the EFR: Ms Anne-Sophie Bourg;
  • the director of the Centre Jean Bérard of Naples: Ms Valérie Huet;
  • the accountant of the EFR: Ms Monique Zimmermann.

The president may invite experts on the advice of the director, depending on the items on the agenda.

Minutes from the meeting of the Scientific Council












