Board of Directors

The board of directors has fifteen members. For 2024/2025 and 2025/2026, the Chair is Ms Geneviève Bührer-Thierry and includes the following:

Five ex-officio members:

  • a representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, the Director General of Higher Education and Professional Integration, Mr Olivier Ginez (or her representative);
  • a representative of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs: the Ambassador of France in Italy, Mr Martin Briens;
  • two members of the Institut de France :
    • the permanent secretary of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Mr Nicolas Grimal, or his representative, Mr Yves-Marie Bercé;
    • the permanent secretary of the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques, Mr Bernard Stirn, or his representative, Mr Serge Sur;
  • the president of the National Centre for Scientific Research, Mr Antoine Petit, or his representative, Mr William Berthomière.

Five members appointed by the Minister on the advice of the Director of the EFR (persons eligible as Chair of the Board of Directors):

  • a former head of a public establishment taking part in activities of the School: Mr Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur;
  • four scientific figures, French and foreign: Ms Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Ms Marina Formica, Mr Olivier Poncet, Ms Catherine Saliou.

Five elected staff representatives:

  • one for the members: Mr Guilhem Dorandeu;
  • one for university professors or equivalent: Mr Vivien Prigent;
  • one for other teaching and research staff or similar (members excluded): Ms Audrey Bertrand;
  • two for staff from the library, engineers, administrators, technicians, labourers, service and health workers: Ms Elena Avellino and Mr Bruno Fornara.

Individuals with an advisory role:

  • the president of the scientific council: Mr Dario Mantovani;
  • the director of the EFR: Ms Brigitte Marin;
  • the director of studies elected to the scientific council: Ms Albane Cogné;
  • the administrative manager: Ms Pascale Garcia.

Invited personality:

  • the responsible of publications of the EFR: Ms Anne-Sophie Bourg;
  • the responsible for the library of the EFR: Ms Cécile Martini;
  • the director of the Centre Jean Bérard of Naples: Ms Valérie Huet;
  • the accountant of the EFR: Ms Monique Zimmermann.


The chairman may invite experts, if asked by the director, according to the items on the agenda.
