Going Native or Remaining Foreign? Catholic Missionaries as Local Agents in Asia (17th to 18th Centuries)


From 05/30/2017 at 14 h 36 to 06/01/2017 at 14 h 36

Convegno internazionale - International Workshop - Colloque international

Going Native or Remaining Foreign? Catholic Missionaries as Local Agents in Asia (17th to 18th Centuries) / Diventare nativi o restare stranieri? I missionari cattolici all'opera in Asia nel XVII e XVIII secolo

Convegno internazionale - International Workshop - Colloque international

I missionari cattolici all'opera in Asia nel XVII e XVIII secolo sfidano in modo importante la nostra comprensione sul ruolo degli agenti della Chiesa di Roma del periodo. Questa conferenza cerca di analizzare il ruolo dei missionari come agenti locali all'interno dei differenti ambiti sociali del continente asiatico. Discuterà dell'argomento il workshop internazionale organizzato dalla Dr. des. Nadine Amsler (Berna), il Dr. Andreea Badea (Roma), il Prof. Dr. Bernard Heyberger (Parigi) e il Prof. Dr. Christian Windler (Berna).


Catholic missionaries who worked in Asia during the 17th and 18th centuries defy our understanding of agents of the Roman Church in important ways. Rather than being uncompromising promoters of post-Tridentine doctrine and devotion, they often showed a striking openness to local ways of life. Many of them forged lasting bonds of friendship with non-Catholics even if there was little hope for the latter's conversion. As a consequence, although those who actually did go native by even forsaking their missionary vocation were few, missionaries' integration into social, political, economic, and scientific networks usually made them highly localized protagonists.

Organisation :

Christian Windler (Université de Berne) et alii

Dates et lieux :

du 30 mai au 1er juin 2017, à l'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, à l'École française de Rome et à l'Istituto svizzero di Roma

Langue de travail :


Partnaires :

  • Deutsches Historisches Institut
  • École française de Rome
  • Istituto Svizzero di Roma
  • Dipartimento di Storia Moderna dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Università di Berna

Pour en savoir plus :

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Category : La recherche
Published on 04/24/2017 - Last update on 01/04/2019