Religious Communities in Rome in the Great Western Schism

Rome, École française de Rome, 16-17 November 2020
Submit abstracts by August 26, 2020



The project SCISMA together with École française de Rome and the Finnish Institute in Rome organizes a workshop discussing the ways in which the religious communities in Rome reacted to the peculiar circumstances created by the Schism. In many cases, the Roman religious communities were forced to rethink their loyalties in a precarious situation between the two, and finally three, papal obediences. They were faced with fluctuating economic conditions, frequent military threats to the city, and, potentially, the questioning of their authority in religious matters. However, the Schism also created opportunities and intimated that a brighter future might lay ahead for those enduring the present tribulations. It is the intention of this conference to bring together academics working on different religious communities in Rome, to increase dialogue and exchange, in order to help better understand the effects of the Schism in the city.

We understand religious community broadly as any community defined by its relation to faith (such as different Christian or Jewish orientations), or to religious institutions (such as confraternities, religious orders, and houses).


Submit abstracts (300-400 words) for 20-min. papers to marika.rasanen[at] by August 26, 2020.
In case of another wave of COVID-19, the workshop will be organized in the form of a webinary.

More details here.

Categories : La recherche Appels à contribution
Published on 06/21/2020 - Last update on 07/01/2020