Michael McCormick "The Fall of the Roman Empire: How Should We Study it in the 21st Century?"

American Academy in Rome

Le 02/05/2017 de 20 h 30 à 22 h 00

Prochain séminaire ITAR

Seminario Michael McCormick "La caduta dell’Impero romano: come dovremmo studiarla nel XXI secolo?"

In questo intervento, Michael McCormick, Francis Goelet Professor of Medieval History al Dipartimento di Storia a Harvard, rivisiterà la caduta dell’Impero romano usando metodi e strumenti del XXI secolo, inclusi l’archeologia biomolecolare, la scienza paleoclimatica e altre applicazioni digitali che offrono nuove visioni dell’indagine umanistica del passato antico.

Michael McCormick è Lester K. Little Scholar in Residence all’American Academy in Rome per la primavera 2017.

La conferenza sarà in lingua inglese. Sarà possibile seguirlo in diretta streaming: livestream.com/aarome

L'evento è organizzato in collaborazione con Incontri Tardoantichi a Roma (ITAR).

I visitatori dell'American Academy in Rome sono pregati di mostrare un documento d'identità all'ingresso.  Non è possibile accedere con bagagli o zaini di dimensioni superiori a cm 40 x 35 x 15. Non sono disponibili armadietti né guardaroba.

Luogo: American Academy in Rome - Lecture Room

Event Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 18:30


Lecture Michael McCormick « The Fall of the Roman Empire: How Should We Study it in the 21st Century? »


In this lecture, Michael McCormick will revisit the Fall of the Roman Empire using twenty-first century methods and tools, including biomolecular archaeology, paleoclimate science, and other digital applications that offer new insight into humanistic inquiry of the ancient past.

Michael McCormick is the Lester K. Little Scholar in Residence at the American Academy in Rome in the spring of 2017 and Francis Goelet Professor of Medieval History in the History Department at Harvard University.

The lecture will be held in English. You can watch this event livestreamed at livestream.com/aarome

This event is organized in collaboration with Incontri Tardoantichi a Roma (ITAR).

Please note: valid photo ID is required for entry into the American Academy in Rome. Backpacks and luggage with dimensions larger than cm 40 x 35 x 15 (inches 16 x 14 x 6) are not permitted on the property. There are no locker facilities available.

Event Location: American Academy in Rome - Lecture Room

Event Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 18:30

Catégories : La recherche Séminaires
Publié le 24/04/2017 - Dernière mise à jour le 22/11/2017